M.P. State Dental Council was formed as per Chapter III of the Dentists Act 1948 by the Govt. of M.P. vide Gazette notification No. 2002/3985 XVII Medical-IV dated 27/04/1964. 10 persons were nominated in this Council.M.P. State Dental Council has been duly Constituted (First time) as per the Dentists Act 1948 and M.P. State Dental Council Rules 1970 on 16/05/1998. Tenure of this Council is completed on 15/05/2013 as per Section 27(1) of the Dentists Act 1948.
The result of elected Second M.P. State Dental Council has been published by the President vide Gazette notification No. 1683 dated 17/05/2013.
Constitution & Composition of the State Dental Council is completed as per Section 21 of the Dentists Act 1948 & Section 23 & 48 of M.P. State Dental Council Rules, 1970 for five years on 06/06/2013 at Bhopal. It has 23 members.
Dr. Chandresh Kumar ShuklaPresident
Dr. Sumeet JainVice President
Dr. Harsh ChansoriaRegistrar